Grief: Why can’t I just get over it?

Grief: Why can’t I just get over it?

Why can’t I just get over it? There is a myth that grief is short-lived and that when something bad happens we should be able to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and move on. Some people are better at carrying the illusion of being able to do this than others and...
10 Tips for Coping with Mommy Blues

10 Tips for Coping with Mommy Blues

(Coping with Mommy Blues: a list for those moments when you want to run away but can’t) Mommy blues is the elephant in the room for so many moms.  We don’t talk about mommy blues because we are told we should be grateful and happy to have a baby, but the truth is that...
EMDR — Letting Go of Negative Beliefs

EMDR — Letting Go of Negative Beliefs

Many people don’t realize the extent of the negative beliefs rooted in their trauma until they begin EMDR work. Often I have clients who come in who are successful, intelligent, beautiful who reveal to me that deep down they feel that they are not good enough, not...