
Beach Cities Psychotherapy
Serving the South Bay Communities of Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, El Segundo, Torrance, Palos Verdes and surrounding Beach Cities.

We will get in the trenches with you and help you get to the root. We are not nodding-head therapists.

Build healthy intimacy, clarify expectations, work through relationship challenges, including infidelity, and improve communication in couples therapy.


Often couples wait years to pull the trigger on couples therapy, deepening the divide with their partner over time. Feeling lonely in a relationship can be excruciating, but often couples suffer in that disconnection because the alternative is scary and unknown. 

Building or re-building emotional intimacy can change the relationship profoundly.

That loneliness is a breeding ground for bigger problems to grow within the marriage.  It may feel like arguments around dishes or taking out the trash are petty, but they are usually about bigger deeper issues.

There are hallmark warning signs that indicate your relationship is in trouble, including criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling.

Wondering if your relationship is worth saving or if it’s worth the work required to make it stronger? Couples therapy can help you and your partner sort that out and tackle issues including communication, infidelity, and healthy intimacy.


If you can identify with the following experiences, couples therapy may be right for you and your partner.

Experiencing frequent misunderstandings that escalate into conflicts, affecting the harmony of the relationship.

Feeling disconnected or distant from one another, lacking emotional intimacy or understanding.

Facing challenges in communication, where expressing needs and desires becomes a source of tension.

Dealing with breaches of trust, such as infidelity or secrecy, that undermine the relationship’s foundation.

Struggling with unresolved issues from the past that resurface and impact current interactions.

Navigating major life transitions or decisions that strain the relationship, such as parenting, careers, or relocation.

Navigating relationships can be complex. At Beach Cities Psychotherapy, we support couples in building emotional intimacy, healthy communication, and  connection.

Why Beach Cities Psychotherapy?

Are you looking for a therapist who lights pretty candles, smiles and nods while you talk about the same problems week after week? 

If you are, that’s not us.

At Beach Cities Psychotherapy, we ask the challenging questions and get in the trenches with you. Sometimes trauma, anxiety, depression, relationship struggles, or identity issues get in our way. 

You may feel empty, broken or even worthless when other people may think you have it all.  We help you make the shifts you need to live the life you want and feel able to appreciate it.

Our goal at Beach Cities Psychotherapy is to cultivate change and healing by asking you the hard questions, addressing the areas where you are stuck, and confronting pain with treatment and healing.

We are direct, hands-on and we value humor above candles. Our therapists are not scared of your pain, your fear, your struggles.

We will delve beneath the surface when you are ready.

We value your mental health, your time and your resources too much to talk about the same problems in the same ways that you always have.  

Often people come to Beach Cities Psychotherapy when they feel like other therapists have skimmed the surface and they need more.

We want to help you heal and find the clarity you need in your life.  

Meet Your Therapists:

Shannon Meena, ACSW

For people struggling with ruminating thoughts or who feel trapped by their anxiety, Shannon Meena is a lifeline. Shannon’s CBT skill set gives her the ability to offer tools to transform anxiety and her empathic approach and ability to connect to clients is her superpower.

Shannon creates a safe space where clients can explore their feelings, learn effective communication skills, and strengthen their self-esteem.

In addition to working with anxiety and life transitions, Shannon is also experienced working with depression and has training TF-CBT to help teens and pre-teens with issues relating to trauma. She works with adults and also has a unique ability to connect with pre-teens and teenagers.

Read her full bio here

Ashlee Byous, AMFT

Ashlee Byous, AMFT is passionate about self-awareness and emotional intelligence. She believes that strengthening these areas serves as a foundation for overcoming life’s challenges. She builds a warm, safe, collaborative therapeutic relationship with her clients.

Ashlee works with adults and teens struggling with life transitions, communication struggles, relationship challenges, anxiety, and depression.  She has specialized experience helping people heal from traumatic relationships including relationships with partners, friends, family, or even professional relationships with people with personality disorders including Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Read her full bio here.

We Offer Walk and Talk Therapy

Our location offers us a unique opportunity to bring clients to the beach in Hermosa for sessions by the ocean when clients request it. 

Walking during therapy creates an alternating rhythm of our steps on the pavement and stimulates alternating sides of our brain which facilitates processing.

Fresh air and nature are also helpful to healing.  Moving when we feel stuck can also help us to move through life’s obstacles and create a tangible, very real momentum that is both literal and metaphorical.

While our therapists also work with clients in the office, Walk & Talk sessions are beneficial for clients who don’t want to sit on a sofa for an hour. It’s okay to alternate between Walk and Talk sessions and in-office sessions.

Our therapists understand that not every day feels like a good day for a walk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which payment methods are accepted?

Payments can be made with cash, check, credit card, or Zelle.

What is the cost of psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy fees vary depending on which therapist you select to work with as well as which service you are seeking. Feel free to contact us to discuss the exact fee.

Are psychotherapy fees covered by health insurance?

We are not in-network with any insurance companies.  If you have a PPO plan or a plan with out-of-network benefits, your insurance company may reimburse you for services.  This means that you will be responsible to pay for our services up-front and then we provide you with forms to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

You can check your specific mental health benefits with your health insurance and ask the following questions:

  • Do I have benefits for outpatient psychotherapy services with an out-of-network provider?
  • Do I have a deductible and has it been met? If my deductible has not been met, what deductible needs to be met for insurance to reimburse?
  • What will insurance reimburse after that deductible has been met and what do I need to do or provide in order to get reimbursed?
  • How many psychotherapy sessions will be covered per year?

We Make Getting Started Easy

Step 1. Reach Out

Step 2. Schedule Your First Session

Step 3. Feel Like You Again