EMDR — Letting Go of Negative Beliefs

EMDR — Letting Go of Negative Beliefs

Many people don’t realize the extent of the negative beliefs rooted in their trauma until they begin EMDR work. Often I have clients who come in who are successful, intelligent, beautiful who reveal to me that deep down they feel that they are not good enough, not...
Trauma Informed Therapy

Trauma Informed Therapy

Once upon a time, therapists told clients to go over all of the gory details of the horrific things they had been through because it would be therapeutic. They were wrong. Sometimes this can deepen the neural pathways to the trauma and even re-traumatize. The moment I...
Divorce is Trauma

Divorce is Trauma

In my practice, I often see people going through divorce or who have gone through divorce. I also work extensively with people struggling with trauma. Do these seem like two different things to you? They are not. Guess what? Divorce is trauma. This is how the American...
Burnout and Secondary Trauma: When Caring Hurts

Burnout and Secondary Trauma: When Caring Hurts

Trauma is a slippery friend. Sometimes, it’s clear and easy to recognize. And sometimes, we don’t realize that the symptoms we are experience are symptoms of trauma at all. When people feel “burnout,” they are often struggling with secondary trauma and the compassion...