Sleep Hygiene: The Cornerstone of Good Health

Sleep Hygiene: The Cornerstone of Good Health

Sleep is often the first thing to go when life gets hectic.  We sacrifice those precious hours to meet deadlines, scroll through social media, or binge-watch our favorite shows. But what we often don’t realize is that sleep is not a luxury; it’s a...
The Story Behind Beach Cities Psychotherapy

The Story Behind Beach Cities Psychotherapy

Before I was a therapist, I was just someone sitting on another therapist’s couch trying to figure my life out.  I had a career in film and tv, a seemingly loving husband, a beautiful daughter— and a sneaking suspicion that none of it was quite as it seemed.  It...
Lessons in Falling Down

Lessons in Falling Down

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the day I fell and broke my face on a beautiful Spring morning. It was April 3, 2021. I went for a long run and about a mile and a half into it, my face slammed into the pavement. I don’t remember why I fell but my hands did...
There Are Signs, Look For Them

There Are Signs, Look For Them

Nearly a decade ago, I was considering a career change. I was a card carrying member of the WGA and had sporadic on-again-off-again work in film and television that was more off-again than on. While the idea of leaving a career that I loved so much terrified me, the...