Divorce — Will It Ruin the Kids?

Divorce — Will It Ruin the Kids?

“This divorce will ruin our kids.”  Will it?  Or is it a myth?  Divorce with at least one mindful parent willing to dig deep and do the work entrenched in the pain of divorce is an opportunity.  When parents use adversity to fuel growth, they became healthier and more...
Fear of Pain — Is It Worse Than What You Fear?

Fear of Pain — Is It Worse Than What You Fear?

I’ve been thinking a lot about pain — my pain, my client’s pain, my children’s pain and pain in general.  We fear pain, avoid it with good reason— it hurts.  We shelter our loved ones from it — sometimes stay in bad marriages to keep our children from feeling it.  We...
Trauma Informed Therapy

Trauma Informed Therapy

Once upon a time, therapists told clients to go over all of the gory details of the horrific things they had been through because it would be therapeutic. They were wrong. Sometimes this can deepen the neural pathways to the trauma and even re-traumatize. The moment I...