Before I was a therapist, I was just someone sitting on another therapist’s couch trying to figure my life out.  I had a career in film and tv, a seemingly loving husband, a beautiful daughter— and a sneaking suspicion that none of it was quite as it seemed.  It showed up for me in a string of physical ailments, functional depression and anxiety that I kept hidden behind the mask of a constant smile.  I was right — none of it was quite as it seemed.

When I found therapy, it got worse before it got better.  My worst fears were confirmed.  My life would only remain easy if I continued to pretend everything was just fine.  I didn’t do that. 

My path was not smooth or easy but I came through it with a couple more kids (twins), a divorce, a Masters in Clinical Psychology, a book about divorce (you can find it on Amazon) and a genuine desire to help other people navigate their struggles and feel as empowered by it as I did. 

This is the spark that built Beach Cities Psychotherapy in Hermosa Beach.

When I bring on therapists at Beach Cities Psychotherapy, I make sure that they can walk their clients through life’s obstacles, no matter how painful, so that they can learn what I have: pain fuels growth.  The struggle along this journey, whatever yours may be, will change you forever in ways that are meaningful and transformative. 

Beach Cities Psychotherapy is a psychotherapy practice by the ocean in beautiful Hermosa Beach.  I see the ocean daily and offer walk and talk sessions by the beach to any client who wants that.  I’m so grateful for therapy and what it’s given me.  I know what it’s like to stick your head in the sand and pretend it will all be okay and I also know how much easier it becomes when you look at the darkness and find the light at the end of it or within it. 

In our waiting room, there’s a book called Blue Mind which talks about the healing powers of the ocean.  I haven’t read all of it because I don’t have to — I know it’s true, I see it every day in my office and in my own life.

There’s also a Gratitude Jar.  Our clients write gratitudes on post-it notes and put it in the jar — research shows that this simple easy practice increases felt “happiness.”  I am grateful that our gratitude jar is packed full.

At Beach Cities Psychotherapy, we appreciate the courage it takes to heal.  We offer a safe space by the beach and a healthy therapeutic relationship to help you get there. 

Welcome to Beach Cities Psychotherapy.


The Team Behind the Message:

At Beach Cities Psychotherapy, our team of dedicated therapists truly care about your well-being. We are passionate about sharing valuable information to support and guide you on your journey. Whether you’re facing life’s challenges or seeking personal growth, our team is here to ensure you receive the compassionate care and support you deserve. We’re committed to helping you navigate through your concerns and are always here to take care of you every step of the way.


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