Why Can’t I Move On?

Why Can’t I Move On?

Recently, a theme appeared in my office. “Everyone is telling me I need to move on. “ “They want me to get over it.” “I feel bad talking about it anymore with my friends.” “I feel like I’m supposed to just let it go and act like it didn’t even happen and I can’t do...
What Stories Do You Tell Yourself?

What Stories Do You Tell Yourself?

The stories we tell ourselves are powerful. Go for a walk. If you think about how nobody cleans up after their dogs, you will see dog poop everywhere you go. Conversely, if you think about how friendly and kind your neighbors are, you will be greeted with smiles and...
Adulting and the Struggle to Launch

Adulting and the Struggle to Launch

College is over. We expect the career we have dreamed of to open up and present itself. This was the promise, right? Do the work, get good grades, go to college and it will all be okay. And then it’s not. It’s painful. And disappointing. And frustrating. And why was...
Burnout and Secondary Trauma: When Caring Hurts

Burnout and Secondary Trauma: When Caring Hurts

Trauma is a slippery friend. Sometimes, it’s clear and easy to recognize. And sometimes, we don’t realize that the symptoms we are experience are symptoms of trauma at all. When people feel “burnout,” they are often struggling with secondary trauma and the compassion...