Anxiety is something that many of us experience at various points in our lives, but for some, it becomes a constant, overwhelming presence. Whether it manifests as a low hum of worry or an intense feeling of dread, anxiety can significantly impact our daily lives. Understanding this condition is the first step toward managing it effectively.

    What is Anxiety?

    Anxiety is a natural emotional response characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes, such as increased blood pressure. It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious about certain situations, especially those that are new or challenging. However, when anxiety becomes excessive or unwarranted, it can interfere with daily activities and lead to disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or social anxiety disorder.

    The Physical and Emotional Effects of Anxiety, Worry & Fear

    Anxiety doesn’t just affect our minds; it has a physical component as well. Symptoms can include heart palpitations, sweating, trembling, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and even gastrointestinal issues. Emotionally, those with anxiety often experience feelings of restlessness, irritability, and a constant sense of impending doom. It’s crucial to note that anxiety can manifest differently in every individual. While one person may feel a sense of panic in social settings, another might experience anxiety through obsessive thoughts or avoidance behaviors.

    Uncertainty is an incredibly uncomfortable place to be and regardless of what you are going through in your personal life, what your political beliefs may be, or whether or not you have friends or family affected by the fires, if you live in Southern California, you are likely feeling some degree of uncertainty.  

    And thus– anxiety, fear or worry.

    Here’s a simple yet effective Mindfulness Exercise for Anxiety:

    5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise for Overcoming Anxiety Naturally

    When anxiety starts to take over, grounding yourself in the present moment can help bring a sense of calm. Try this simple 5-4-3-2-1 mindfulness technique to ease anxious thoughts and reconnect with your surroundings.

    Step-by-Step Guide:

    1️⃣ Five: Look around and name 5 things you can see (e.g., a plant, a book, the sky).

    2️⃣ Four: Focus on 4 things you can touch (e.g., the texture of your clothing, a warm cup, the floor beneath your feet).

    3️⃣ Three: Listen for 3 things you can hear (e.g., birds chirping, your breath, distant chatter).

    4️⃣ Two: Identify 2 things you can smell (e.g., fresh air, coffee, your shampoo).

    5️⃣ One: Notice 1 thing you can taste (e.g., a sip of water, mint gum).

    By engaging your senses, you shift your attention away from anxious thoughts and back to the present. Try this whenever you feel overwhelmed to bring yourself back to now.

    💙 Breathe, observe, and let go.

    The reason this exercise is useful is that it brings you to the present moment.  When you rethink the past or worry about the future, you lose sight of the one thing that you absolutely have for certain: the present, this moment.

    My advice to you is this:  Be here now.

    When to Seek Help

    If anxiety is interfering with your daily life or causing significant distress, it may be time to seek professional help. A mental health professional can offer guidance and may suggest therapy or medication as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

    As always, our team at Beach Cities Psych is here to help you navigate the anxiety and help you move through it.


    The Team Behind the Message:

    At Beach Cities Psychotherapy, our team of dedicated therapists truly care about your well-being. We are passionate about sharing valuable information to support and guide you on your journey. Whether you’re facing life’s challenges or seeking personal growth, our team is here to ensure you receive the compassionate care and support you deserve. We’re committed to helping you navigate through your concerns and are always here to take care of you every step of the way.


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