Fear of Pain — Is It Worse Than What You Fear?

Fear of Pain — Is It Worse Than What You Fear?

I’ve been thinking a lot about pain — my pain, my client’s pain, my children’s pain and pain in general.  We fear pain, avoid it with good reason— it hurts.  We shelter our loved ones from it — sometimes stay in bad marriages to keep our children from feeling it.  We...
Does It Feel Like Everything Is Coming Unglued?

Does It Feel Like Everything Is Coming Unglued?

When life gets hard, sometimes it gets really hard.  If you’re going through a divorce, this is likely something you’ve learned the hard way.  I certainly did.  Around the same time my wasband moved out, my son flooded the house during a “nap.”   He crawled out of my...
Do Therapists Really Care Or Is It Just a Job?

Do Therapists Really Care Or Is It Just a Job?

Do therapists really care or is it just a job? Are you wondering if your therapist really cares about you?   If you are, you’re not alone. This comes up with clients a lot — they want to know if the caring they feel from me is real. I went for a walk with a therapist...